Reducing Costs and Creating Value in the Hotel Industry - Forced Good Practices

  • Anita Mondok Debreceni Egyetem
Keywords: hotel operation, cost reduction, sustainable practices, value-creation


External business environmental challenges such as the effects of climate change and sustainable operation required hotel managers to take strategically planned action. All of this was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which appeared in several waves from 2020, and the energy crisis resulting from the Ukrainian-Russian armed conflict. The periodic return of the pandemic has created a high level of uncertainty not only for operators but also for workers.

The energy price boom that unfolded from the second half of 2021 required cost-saving solutions from market players that typically necessitate a significant investment and provide a long-term return. In the planning process, the guest experience and value-added approach became paramount, as the long payback period required forward thinking and good prediction of the future.

In this article, focusing on relevant literature sources and using a constructivist grounded theory strategy, data mostly from the period between 2020 and 2022 has been collected and analysed, . The purpose of these two research questions is to answer what challenges Hungarian hotel market players face and what factors negatively impact their business during the period of 2020 and2022, as well as how hotel operators respond to the identified challenges and how these responses relate to the global best practices. In addition to studying general cost-saving practices in Hungarian hotels, the focus is on improving the guest experience and providing operators with real cost-effective operational solutions. Value creation occurs in all areas of hotel operations, including front and back-of-house work areas. Solutions such as heating system modernisation, digitalisation, organisational development and outsourcing of activities will be presented.


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How to Cite
MondokA. (2023). Reducing Costs and Creating Value in the Hotel Industry - Forced Good Practices. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (3), 132-167.