• Konrád Kiss Szent István Egyetem, Gazdálkodás és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola
Keywords: producer, consumer, demand, marketplaces, customers' attitudes


In the concentrated foodcommerce the small sized individual agricultural producers typically cannot take parts in the supply network of the modern chains. Trading in short supply chains (in SSC-s) is an alternate and evident solution for the small sized producers to reach the markets. By the development of the modern retail, the share of the traditional sales channels have been decreased. In the European Union, in the present period of budgetary (between 2014 and 2020) the short supply chains has political support. The aim of this support is to aid the small sized producers to reach markets (collectively) and to increase their incomes.The present study examines the opinions of the producers from conventional and producers’ markets, on the basis of a primary research made by me inthe early summer of 2017. The main aim of the research was to explore the producers’ opinions about their sales opportunities, and to explore their suggestion for development. The aim of the research was to reveal the individual opinions of the producersand their suggestions of devel-opment. The primary results is presented in this study with former literature reviews and with some actual political aspirations together.In the examined sample just a relatively small part of the responder producers could give substantive suggestions of development.The main ideas were about doing marketing activities (and product promotions), the product quality, and about producers’ cooperation. By marketing activities, the values of producers’ goods like „local-products,”„origins” or perhaps their “hand-made characteristic” can be make well known amongst the consumers are receptive for this values. On the basis of a producers’ telling, those consumers mean substantive demand for the producers, who are not necessary rich, but who have the willingness to spend from their surplus income for the producers’ wares of higher price category.

How to Cite
KissK. (2018). PERSPECTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SHORT SUPPLY CHAINS. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (1), 4-17. Retrieved from