• Andrea Bencsik Pannon University
  • Tímea Juhász Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business
  • Éva Balog Selye János University
Keywords: labour market, generations, differences, similarities


Differences and similarities between generations is quite an important research topic in the field of management nowadays. The research aimed to reveal the equal and different characteristics among the youngest generations and to answer the question how employers can benefit from the similarities and differences. The quantitative research was carried out by questionnaires in 2017-2018 in two neighbouring countries, in Slovakia and Hungary. Although the research cannot be considered representative, but it is able to give an overall picture of the opinion of the employees regarding the question.  The present paper shows some results of Slovakia. Based on the analysis, the respondents consider the cooperation between generations and corporate work very challenging which set requirements and pose activities not only for them, but also for the HR.  The appearance of the new generation on labour market shows that other HR tools are required to approach the youngsters and to make them loyal to their companies. They are rather careerists, they want to reach personal fulfilment and this can be an usual reason for their not being loyal to the company and for their leaving soon if their interest requires it. The salary-focused approach will not be enough for these employees in order to make them a permanent active member of the organisation. New HR solutions have to be elaborated such as active career-management, generational management, family-friendly policy, etc., in order to attract and keep the young employees at the company and to be able to handle the conflicts occurring between generations at their workplaces.

Author Biographies

Andrea Bencsik, Pannon University


Tímea Juhász, Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business

Senior Research Fellow

Éva Balog, Selye János University

PhD Student


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How to Cite
BencsikA., JuhászT., & Balog Éva. (2020). THE YOUNGEST GENERATIONS AT WORKPLACES (IN SLOVAKIA). Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (1), 11-27.