Digital Marketing As A Driver For The Sustainable Tourism Development
A Systematic Literature Review
The notion of digital marketing has emerged as a prominent topic in the tourism industry and received high attention from the marketing research community in recent years. However, there is a noticeable absence of theoretically grounded research on how the tourism industry should apply and implement digital marketing to bring about sustainable tourism development. To address this concern, the researchers conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) of 83 journal articles related to digital marketing and tourism, indexed in the Scopus database and Web of Science from 2015 to 2021. In doing so, this review makes an important contribution to the identification of existing and future digital marketing tools applied in the tourism industry and their role in the progress of sustainable tourism development. Furthermore, researchers propose an integrated conceptual framework to provide a comprehensive overview of the relationships between technology, marketing, and tourism to add something new to the existing literature and inspire further research in the future.
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