Subjective account of the 6th Conference on Hungarian Onomastics (Balatonszárszó; 22nd–24th of June, 2007)

  • Mihály Hajdú ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Keywords: onomastic conference, Hungarian onomastic research, Balatonszárszó, report


Subjective account of the 6th Conference on Hungarian Onomastics (Balatonszárszó; 22nd–24th of June, 2007)

The author of the paper gives a personal account of the 6th Conference on Hungarian Onomastics, which, in agreement with the Society of Hungarian Linguistics, was organised by Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Balatonszárszó between 22nd and 24th of June, 2007. The author speaks about the previous five national onomastic conferences and describes the circumstances, the difficulties against which this last conference had to be organised. All plenary lectures and section papers are discussed briefly and the most important achievements of the conference are also pointed out.

Onomastics and events