Az utca, a mahalle, a fertály (negyed), a tized, valamint a járástelepülésrészek jelentése, egymáshoz való viszonya és helymeghatározó szerepe a történeti forrásokban (15–20. század)

  • László Vincze


The meaning, the interconnections and the localizing function of words denoting a part of a settlement (utca, mahalle, fertály, negyed, tized, járás) in historical sources

This paper explores the meaning of words denoting a part of a settlement (utca 'street', mahalle 'quarter', fertály 'quarter', tized 'quarter', járás <an administrative unit>) from the 15th century until now on the basis of the relevant literature. The study discusses the semantic interconnections of these words, and describes their localizing function. An overview is presented here on what positions (e.g. tizedes, utcakapitány) could be held in the administration of these quarterssince the 15th century. The author draws his conclusions using the names of 33 settlements of 5 regions of former Hungary (the Great Plain, Transdanubia, Transylvania, the Northern mountain ranges, the Hungarian Uplands).

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