Deployment during a radiological event

Keywords: radiological emergency, ionizing, radiation, protection, decision-making


Radiological emergencies (RE) are those emergencies which involve radioactive material that is not nuclear but emits ionizing radiation. Although such sources are usually kept and transported closed, their shielding or packing can be damaged in case of accident or fire. If the source becomes unshielded environmental exposure can increase or even radioactive contamination can occur. Depending on type and dose ionizing radiations can cause morbidity or even mortality, meanwhile they only can be detected with special instruments but not our senses. That is why first responders are the most endangered in a RE and their radiation protection is imperative. Thus, even at the initial stage of the intervention, the incident
commander (IC) has to tackle with several urgent tasks and a huge responsibility. Alarm level classification and on-spot reconnaissance take on a crucial role here. The paper provides help to clarify hazards and make decisions on taking the risks.


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How to Cite
FintaV., & RáczS. (2023). Deployment during a radiological event. Defence Science, 1(3), 68-77. Retrieved from