Observations of vis maior harmful natural events in Pest County
The most typical harmful events posing natural threats within the county are those induced by precipitation, surface and groundwater fluxes. Beside the floods which have been reaching the settlements recently in every 3-4 years from River Duna, Ipoly and Zagyva and the inland water appearing in the southern part of the county, water damage done by flash floods in the northern mountain area have become excessively widespread lately.
BM, Útmutató a 2019. évi vis maior támogatás igényléshez, 4. oldal Ministry of Internal Affairs: A Guidebook to require vis maior support in year 2019, p.4.
Horváth Nándor, http://www.vedelemtudomany.hu/articles/08-horvath.pdf, 1. oldal
Bérczi László, http://www.vedelem.hu/letoltes/anyagok/335-kozlekedessel-osszefuggotuzoltosagi-feladatok-es-a-fejlesztes-lehetosegei.pdf, 1. oldal