Complex operator security of critical infrastructures in healthcare system, with particular regard to the performance of industrial safety tasks

Keywords: critical infrastructure protection, health care sector, in-patient care, operator security, business continuity, risk analysis, business impact analysis


In Hungary, the identification and designation of healtcare sector’s critical infrastructures began in 2016, including the inpatient care sub-sector. The act on the identification, designation and protection of critical systems and facilities and its implementing decree requires operators of designated system components to prepare an Operator Security Plan. During the revisions in 2020, a new type of planning and risk assessment methodology was issued. ISO 22301, which describes the design of business continuity management systems, has proven itself in international practice for operator security planning. However, the application of the standard is not typical in this area in our country. In health care sector, the practical application of a profit-oriented approach focusing on the maintenance of "production" and "profit" is not common, and the concepts of profit and production are difficult to interpret. The study examines the application possibilities of business continuity management systems in public healthcare sector.


ISO 22313:2020, ix. p.

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ISO 22301:2020, 20 p.

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ISO/TS 22317:2015 Annex C 20 p.

Dr. Kátai-Urbán, Lajos, Mészáros, István, Dr. Vass, Gyula: Iparbiztonság, válsághelyzeti tervezés in: Dr. Major László: A katasztrófa-készenlét, a reagálás és a beavatkozásbiztonság egészségügyi alapjai. Budapest, Semmelweis Kiadó, 2019. 68-69. p.

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Katina, Polinpapilinho & Pinto, C Ariel & Bradley, Joseph & Hester, Patrick: Interdependency-Induced Risk with Applications to Healthcare. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. 2014. 7. 10.1016/j.ijcip.2014.01.005.

ISO 22313:2020 40 p.

How to Cite
MészárosI. (2023). Complex operator security of critical infrastructures in healthcare system, with particular regard to the performance of industrial safety tasks. Defence Science, 8(1), 86-109. Retrieved from