Frequent formwork accidents during the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, including causes and prevention
In the last decade, the number of industrial and large-scale investments in Hungary has increased significantly, partly from new investments, partly from the renovation and expansion of old industrial sites. From a structural point of view, these buildings are typically constructed of steel structures, prefabricated reinforced concrete structures or monolithic reinforced concrete. Which system comes to the fore during construction depends on the size of the investment, its function and the characteristics of the environment. In the case of large-scale, complex investments, a mixed structure is usually typical, given that several types of buildings and hall systems are constructed. This article is specifically limited to the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures, because here you can find the auxiliary structure, namely formwork, which we can no longer see in the display of the final product, but nevertheless plays a decisive role both in terms of cost and construction time, as well as in terms of work and accident protection. In our accelerating world, where time and costs become the most important economic indicators for the success of an investment, we must not forget about the risk-taking that this entails. One of the most important things for construction investments is to maintain safety and proper work and accident protection. The question is how the stretched norm and maximum cost efficiency affect safety in formwork work.
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