Challenges of Dispatcher Activities in Disaster Management

Keywords: operator activity, perception, continous attention, monitoring center


In spite of the substantial quantity of information, if there is no sufficient personal or technical foundation, the processing of information and the execution of the requisite measures when occurrences are identified cannot be conducted. In the dispatch centers of disaster management, artificial intelligence is assuming an increasingly pivotal role, but the human element remains crucial in operations. Operator engagement offers an extensive array of opportunities for inquiry into visual attention, search, observation, and perception, as these are dynamically evolving tasks that frequently necessitate concurrent processing of multiple incoming data. In addition to artificial intelligence, the significance of operators persists in perception and decision-making. Therefore, it is imperative to comprehend the cognitive processes involved in observation and perception.


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How to Cite
TóthL., & TóthA. (2024). Challenges of Dispatcher Activities in Disaster Management. Defence Science, 9(ksz.), 148-155. Retrieved from