The main points of pandemic defense planning based on the experience of defense against COVID-19

Keywords: pandemic, defense planning, local government, COVID-19, public safety officer


The appearance of the coronavirus in 2019, followed by its escalation into a global epidemic within a few months, presented a completely new situation for the state administrative bodies, local governments within the public administration. Despite the fact that the fight against epidemics and the vast majority of protection measures that can be taken during the epidemic period were included in our legislation as early as March 2020, and in line with these regulations, the government declared a state of emergency on March 11, 2020, defense management and planning were nowhere near as prepared for the task as he would have been during a different event. Although the settlements had hazard prevention plans, they did not include any plan system or plan annexes to support the prevention of a pandemic of this magnitude. This is no wonder, since the basis of the hazard prevention plans is the identification, analysis and evaluation of the risks of the given settlements, on the basis of which a risk matrix is prepared. Fortunately, the last pandemic of this magnitude swept the world a long time ago, almost a hundred years before this, so the risk matrices of the settlements almost completely ignored this kind of risk, in a completely understandable way. It is necessary to change this, since, based on expert forecasts, this type of defense planning will be even more urgently needed in the future.


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How to Cite
DánielZ., TeknősL., & Muhoray Árpád. (2024). The main points of pandemic defense planning based on the experience of defense against COVID-19. Defence Science, 9(ksz.), 33-37. Retrieved from