Mapping new training and preparation opportunities in disaster management for the adult population in Hungary

Keywords: prevention period, training and preparedness, basic disaster education, e-learning in disaster management


The frequency and severity of natural and civilisational disasters is constantly increasing in the modern world. To meet these challenges, cooperation between individuals and professional disaster management is essential. Although innovative technologies and developments allow for faster and more precise intervention, the preparedness of society remains a fundamental prerequisite for successful response. The author's aim is to develop a basic disaster management training system that can be compulsorily integrated into companies' training programmes, similar to fire and occupational safety training. The article contains suggestions for modernising the methods and tools of knowledge transfer using today's modern technology. The article was based on the publication "The applicability of new training and preparation forms and methods in the Hungarian disaster management", which is currently being published in the online professional scientific journal Védelem Tudomány.


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Hornyacsek Júlia - Barta Ágnes: A lakosság árvízi felkészítésének feladatai és módszerei, Hadtudományi Szemle, 2020, Vol. 13. No. 2., p. 181., Source:, (Date of download: 31.08.2024.)

Typeform: People-Friendly Forms and Surveys, Source:

Gergely Kovács - Júlia Hornyacsek: Korszerű oktatási eszközök és módszerek alkalmazása a polgári védelmi felkészítésben, 2019, Műszaki Katonai Közlöny, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 123-127., Source:, (Date of download: 01.09.2024.)

How to Cite
VarróT. (2024). Mapping new training and preparation opportunities in disaster management for the adult population in Hungary. Defence Science, 9(ksz.), 156-165. Retrieved from