Logical framework matrix and function structure of centrally organized recovery and reconstruction

Keywords: disaster, post-disaster recovery, compensation, residential property


In the past twenty-five years, the homes of tens of thousands of families have been destroyed or damaged in our country as a result of constantly recurring natural disasters. Creating the basic conditions for housing often exceeded the possibilities of the victims and the local communities. After the largest and most extensive natural disasters, Hungarian governments often made discretionary decisions for local governments and supported local residents who suffered damage. In the examined period of more than two decades, basically three types of restoration and reconstruction methods were used. In terms of the applied human, economic and technical solutions, the construction activity was realized centrally, on the one hand, with local government support, with support provided through local governments. My research was motivated by the insight that the central recovery processes in Hungary can be interpreted as a structured, specific and unique process in terms of their development and method.


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How to Cite
Dr. AmbruszJ. (2024). Logical framework matrix and function structure of centrally organized recovery and reconstruction. Defence Science, 9(ksz.), 9-17. Retrieved from https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/18036