Contributions to the Hungarian alien flora: Erigeron bonariensis L. and E. sumatrensis Retz. (Asteraceae) in Hungary

  • Tamás Wirth University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, Ifjúság útja 6., H-7624 Pécs, Hungary
  • János Csiky University of Pécs, Department of Ecology, Ifjúság útja 6., H-7624 Pécs, Hungary
Keywords: Erigeron, exotic plants, identification key, neophytes, urban flora


During a systematic survey of the flora in the administrative districts ofPécs and other Transdanubian settlements, several stands of Erigeron bonariensis L. and E. sumatrensis Retz., new species to the Hungarian flora were encountered. In this paper, we discuss the morphological and phytocoenological features of the species as well as the possible ways of their introductioprovide an identification key for Erigeron species currently known in Hungary. With the changing climate and increasing human impact on the landscape, we predict the future spread and naturalization of these species in Hungary.


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