Germination studies on white wallrocket (Diplotaxis erucoides, Brassicaceae) under different light and temperature conditions

  • Júlia Tamás Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Botany, P. O. Box 222., Budapest, H-1476, Hungary
  • Péter Csontos Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Center for Agricultural Research, Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Herman Ottó út 15., Budapest, H-1022, Hungary
Keywords: cold treatment, dark treatment, dry storage, laboratory germination, seed longevity


White wallrocket (Diplotaxis erucoides /Torner/ DC.) is an annual weed of the Mediterranean that was recently recognized as an agricultural weed in Hungary. Present paper reports on germination experiments of D. erucoides seeds under various laboratory conditions. The following experiments were set up in Petri-dishes with 5-5 replicates containing 30 seeds in each dish: (A) effects of natural diffuse light versus dark conditions on the germination percentage (under room temperature); and (B) effects of +7 °C versus room temperature (+22±1 °C) on the germination percentage (under dark conditions). Within the frame of the experiments a comparison between one- and two-year-old seed samples (air dried seeds stored in room conditions) was also possible. Finally, we made a comparison of germination success of seeds germinated at room temperature with and without preceding cold treatment.The light regime had no effect on the germination of D. erucoides seeds. Germination percentages under natural diffuse light and dark conditions were 36.0% and 33.3%, respectively. Seed samples incubated at +7 °C produced significantly lower number of seedlings than the samples germinated at +22 °C (0.66% and 54.7%, respectively). Regarding seed age effect, the two-year-old seed samples produced significantly lower number of seedlings than the one-year-old samples did (33.3% and 54.7%, respectively). Preceding cold treatment (+7 °C temperature for three weeks) had no effect on the germination of D. erucoides seeds at room temperature when germination percentage was compared to seed samples without cold treatment.


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How to Cite
Tamás J., & Csontos P. (2015). Germination studies on white wallrocket (Diplotaxis erucoides, Brassicaceae) under different light and temperature conditions. Botanikai Közlemények, 102(1-2), 131-139.
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