Workshop Wednesdays for Health Promotion Offices organized by the National Center for Public Health

  • Lilla Vellő National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy
  • Fanni Mészáros National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy
  • Rita Simich National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy
Keywords: health promotion office, prevention, workshop Wednesday, services


Background: The primary goal of establishing Health Promotion Offices (HPOs) is to provide
professional support in terms of content and form for the development of a healthy lifestyle
of the population, which can increase the number of healthy years spent by an individual.
Opinion: The professional staff working in HPOs enables the qualitative change in the health
behaviour of residents living in the Health Promotion Offices’ area by providing access to
complex services at community level and/or providing individual intervention. In the preventive
work of the HPOs, health communication towards the population and health literacy play an
important role, which is fundamental and indispensable for changing health behaviour. The
Health Promotion Department of the National Public Health Centre provides professional
support for this activity by implementing Workshop Wednesdays. The thematic lectures last
2 hours and take place online, on the last Wednesday of every month, with invited speakers.
The topics directly or indirectly help to plan and implement effective prevention activities (e.g.:
mental health, noise pollution, water consumption, chemical safety, radiation on human health).
Conclusions: In addition to the above, the workshops can be an opportunity to mobilise, raise
awareness of current events, and present interesting and useful news.


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Vitrai J. (2018). Hogyan kellene az egészségkultúrát megváltoztatni? Egészségfejlesztés, 59(1), 63-69. doi:10.24365/ef.v59i1.224

How to Cite
Veto, L., Meszaros, F., & Simich, R. (2024). Workshop Wednesdays for Health Promotion Offices organized by the National Center for Public Health. Health Promotion, 65(1), 19-23.
Original Article - Agora