Study trip and exchange of experiences to learn about good practices in Slovenian health promotion centers. Report on the first phase of the CIRCE-JA project.

  • Gabriella Szörényiné Ványi Somogy Megyei Kaposi Mór Oktató Kórház
  • Edina Páhy-Schmidt Moritz Kaposi General Hospital of Somogy County
  • Péter Csizmadia National Center of Public Health and Pharmacy
  • Rita Schifferné Simich National Center of Public Health and Pharmacy
Keywords: CIRCE-JA, Health Promotion Centres, slovenian-hungarian, Study visit, Best pracite


The National Centre for Public Health and Pharmacy (NNGYK), representing Hungary, has joined the EU-funded joint initiative CIRCE-Joint Action, which aims to promote the effective transfer and use of good practices among European Member States that support the development of health systems through the strengthening of primary health care. Our country has joined the Slovenian good practice project Health Promotion Centres (HPC). This summary presents the experience of a Slovenian study tour as the first step of the project, which was carried out with experts from the NNGYK and the Prevention and Health Promotion Office of the Moritz Kaposi General Hospital.

Author Biography

Edina Páhy-Schmidt, Moritz Kaposi General Hospital of Somogy County

Prevention and Health Promotion Office, physiotherapist, health promoter


BP6 | SLOVENIA | CIRCE-JA. (n.d.).


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Ványi, G. S., & Moizs, M. (2022). A Somogy Megyei Kaposi Mór Oktató Kórház Prevenciós és Egészségfejlesztési Irodájának 14 éve és szerepe a népegészségügyi célú szervezett szűrések megvalósításában. Egészségfejlesztés, 63(4), 12–19.

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How to Cite
Szörényiné VányiG., Páhy-SchmidtE., CsizmadiaP., & Schifferné SimichR. (2024). Study trip and exchange of experiences to learn about good practices in Slovenian health promotion centers. Report on the first phase of the CIRCE-JA project. Health Promotion, 65(2), 30-32.
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