Article review: Reducing the health impacts of high temperatures, from personal cooling strategies to green cities

  • József Vitrai Journal of Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group
Keywords: high temperature, health impact, prevention


Extreme heat (heat waves) is already having a serious impact on human health, exacerbated by aging, poverty and chronic diseases. As we will have to cope with even hotter weather in the future due to the climate change we are already experiencing on a daily basis, it has become increasingly important to understand the most effective prevention and response measures, especially in low-resource areas. The authors reveal that future reliance on air conditioning is unsustainable and will further disadvantage communities most vulnerable to heat. They also demonstrate that a comprehensive understanding of the heat environment at the landscape, city, building and individual level offers a range of sustainable options for creating cooler conditions. They summarise the benefits and limitations of different cooling strategies and recommend optimal interventions for settings such as retirement homes, run-down neighborhoods, workplaces, mass gatherings, refugee camps and sports facilities. Incorporating these into well-communicated heat action plans, as well as close monitoring and follow-up, is essential to reduce the adverse health effects of current and future extreme heat events.


Author Biography

József Vitrai, Journal of Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary; MTA-SZTE Health Promotion Research Group




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How to Cite
Vitrai, J. (2021). Article review: Reducing the health impacts of high temperatures, from personal cooling strategies to green cities. Health Promotion, 62(4), 92-99.
Article review