The operation of health promotion offices: Past, present and visionary future

  • Ágota M. Kornyicki Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Hospitals and University Teaching Hospital, Health Promotion Department, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Keywords: health promotion, health promotion office, health development goals, sustainability, efficiency


The health status of the Hungarian population, measured by the average life expectancy at birth, has moved in a favorable direction in recent years, however, compared to health indicators of other European Union countries (number of healthy life years, premature death, frequency of illness and death), we are still lagging behind. This is due to the very unfavorable lifestyle factors of the population on the one hand, and the limited efficiency of health care on the other. During their nearly ten years of operation, the health promotion offices have tried to contribute to maintaining and improving the health status of the population with their primary prevention activities. The operation of the health promotion offices so far has proven to fill gaps in the field of health promotion, however, further improvements are necessary in order to ensure integrated action of the network. In order to achieve more efficiency in the future, it is essential to create standards for the implementation of professional programs and in the powers of providers. It is also important to rationalize the financing system, so that we can bring the underprivileged (health-disadvantaged) areas as close as possible to the more developed ones. It must be emphasized that despite the difficulties, the health promotion offices and the professionals working in them have persevered and are doing indispensable work. The announcement attempts to summarize the past period of the operation of health promotion offices, the current situation and the proposals for future development through the lens of an office leader. 



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How to Cite
M. Kornyicki Ágota. (2022). The operation of health promotion offices: Past, present and visionary future. Health Promotion, 63(4), 3-11.
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