Homogén kőzetek színalapú elemzésének módszere az Ibafa Ib–4 fúrásban harántolt Bodai Agyagkő Formáció példáján

  • Amadé Halász
  • Ákos Halmai


This paper reports on the development of a digital colour analysis method to examine the Boda Claystone Formation.
The Permian Boda Claystone Formation (BCF) occurs in the Mecsek Mountains and a country-wide screening found this
formation to be the most suitable for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Hungary. “The most monotonous
formation in the country” (JÁMBOR 1964) is composed of sandstone, (albitic) silty claystone, (albitic) clayey siltstone and
dolomite. The colours of these types are reddish-brown or brownish-red (or any colours between brown and red); the
sandstone interbeds have similar tones but usually lighter, and the dolomite is white. Because of their colour similarity,
not all rock types can be identified by the naked eye. The GIS method which is discussed in this study could be utilized to
distinguish similar colours and to identify the soft transitions between these colours; the latter have high importance in
the cycle-stratigraphic analysis of the succession. Geophysical well-logging has proved the existence of the characteristic
cyclic units detected by natural gamma. It is evident that the GIS method is capable of getting the same cycles as the
geophysical methods and it also provides some new results. It is hoped that this idea can be useful as a digital extension
of the geologist's eyes and the traditional geophysical examinations.

Hogyan kell idézni
HalászA., & Halmai Ákos. (2020). Homogén kőzetek színalapú elemzésének módszere az Ibafa Ib–4 fúrásban harántolt Bodai Agyagkő Formáció példáján. Földtani Közlöny, 142(2), 125-136. Elérés forrás https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/foldtanikozlony/article/view/2378