Kréta időszaki tengeri sün (Plegiocidaris)

  • László Bujtor


This study presents the first record of a body fossil of Plegiocidaris from the Mesozoic of Hungary. The locality is related to the Early Cretaceous hydrothermal vent site of the Mecsek Mts. (South Hungary). Up until this time only echinoid spines had been reported from the vent related iron-ore deposit at Zengővárkony; therefore this is an important new record of echinoid body fossils. Its age is in accordance with the latest biostratigraphical data referring to the Early
Hauterivian and it extends our knowledge on the scarce echinoid fauna from the Cretaceous of the Mecsek Mts.

How to Cite
BujtorL. (2020). Kréta időszaki tengeri sün (Plegiocidaris). Földtani Közlöny, 143(4), 321-326. Retrieved from