Instability, As A Characteristic Of Organizations In The 21st Century

At The Intersection Of Changes And Chaos

  • Zsuzsa Gál University of Debrecen, Ihrig Károly Doctoral School of Management and Business
Keywords: chaos theory, instability, organization, change


Change has become permanent in organizations in the 21st century, therefore adaptation is essential for survival. Change management deals primarily with controlled changes and puts less focus on spontaneous changes. The question arises as to whether organizations operating in constant instability can be characterized by chaos. The purpose of the study is to explore the relation between chaos theory and change management based on domestic and international literature. The question to be answered is whether it is possible to characterize organizations based on variables, dynamics, structure, movement, or predictability of change among the characteristics of chaos. This raises the question of whether it is chaos, or some of its characteristics, which affects the functioning of an organization. In the study, I point out that not each of the characteristics of chaos theory is adequate for describing the functioning of an organization, however, instability plays a significant role in survival in uncertain environmental conditions.

Author Biography

Zsuzsa Gál, University of Debrecen, Ihrig Károly Doctoral School of Management and Business

PhD Student


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How to Cite
GálZ. (2024). Instability, As A Characteristic Of Organizations In The 21st Century : At The Intersection Of Changes And Chaos. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 30-51.