Happier families, more productive work: the power of CRM
Today's pandemic situation and the growing economic and energy crisis intensify the competition in companies' fight for customers and employees. Due to the wide range of market offerings and the increase in price competition, customers frequently change brands or service providers. The new type of employee is less committed and often changes jobs. Managers focusing on preserving and improving their companies’ competitiveness pay higher attention to customers and even to employee satisfaction. A CRM system can support economic organizations’ efforts and result in a lasting, hard-to-copy competitive advantage beyond the already existing family-friendly policy within companies. The present research is based on qualitative and quantitative methodology and aims to explore employee needs in a family-friendly workplace, examine company services and expectations, their acceptance and evaluation. The results show that employee satisfaction and commitment are greatly influenced by the creation of a family-friendly workplace and the continuous monitoring of employee needs.
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