Long-Term Vision For Rural Areas

Empirical Research Focusing On AKIS In Hungary

  • Viktória Vásáry Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.
  • Szabolcs Biró Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.
  • Máté Kis Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.
  • Eszter Varga Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.
Keywords: Rural areas, Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), Digitalization


The European Commission initiated the preparation of a new long-term vision for rural areas. First step of this process was the launch of a public consultation to which also the Horizon 2020 SHERPA (Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors) project is making a contribution on behalf of 20 different Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs). The Hungarian MAP - a group of science-society-policy actors - focuses on the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), more precisely digitalization. The topic of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System - is a horizontal issue and it is embedded even into the Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) strategic planning process. Being part of it, the development of AKIS requires close and intensive cooperation of policy makers, researchers and farmers or in broader context the society with various stakeholders.

The aim of the Hungarian research was to identify the current and likely trends for the Hungarian rural areas and to point out key challenges, opportunities, enablers and hinderers in rural development in terms of the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) up until 2040.

The methodology used was the Delphi technique. In the first phase, a review of key trends, main challenges and opportunities and a summary of existing foresight regarding digital agriculture was written. Then AKIS experts were asked to talk about their experiences and opinions in the framework of interviews, a focus group meeting and a survey. In the end, results of the survey were discussed in a consensus meeting.

Among the results, it is worth mentioning that digitization and digitalization will fundamentally change the way rural areas operate including economic, environmental and social dimensions. The main enablers of a promising future vision are capacity building for knowledge transfer, adaptation for job creation and offering better quality of life, stronger community building for collaborations, deeper government involvement, and last but not least, strengthening the local identity in rural areas.

Author Biographies

Viktória Vásáry, Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.

Scientific Advisor

Szabolcs Biró, Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.

Director Advisor

Máté Kis, Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.


Eszter Varga, Institute of Agricultural Economics Nonprofit Kft.



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How to Cite
VásáryV., BiróS., KisM., & VargaE. (2021). Long-Term Vision For Rural Areas : Empirical Research Focusing On AKIS In Hungary. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (1), 51-77. https://doi.org/10.33565/MKSV.2021.01.03