K-pop 4E

Introduction of the marketing-mix of the Creative and Cultural Industry through the examples of the marketing assets used in the South Korean pop music (K-pop) and TV series (K-dramas)

  • Éva Judit Gajzágó Budapest Business School, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce
Keywords: marketing-mix, creative and cultural industry, South Korea, K-pop, K-drama


The role of the creative and cultural industry and the demand for its products and services were gradually increasing in the last decades.

In this article, the author examines the corporate marketing assets, which enabled this growth, through the sector of the South Korean music and cinema, which popularity is gaining more popularity.

Using the model of the 4E marketing-mix (Experience, Everyplace, Exchange, Evangelism), describes those assets which are used by the companies to influence the consumption of the products of this sectors.

The second part of the article describes the consumer attributes and preferences of this sector through the results of an international secondary research and a Hungarian primary research implemented in 2018 and 2019.

Author Biography

Éva Judit Gajzágó, Budapest Business School, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce

College Associate Professor


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Az UNCTAD éves kereskedelmi jelentéseiben a kultúrával kapcsolatos szolgáltatásokat (személyes, kulturális és rekreációs szolgáltatások néven) tűnteti fel külön kategóriaként.

A K-pop több, mint popzene, hiszen többféle zenei stílust foglal magába (gyakran egy zenei számon belül). A K-pop stílusba tartozhatnak a pop, a hip-hop, a rap, a rock, az R&B és az elektronikus zenék is, melyek közös ismertetőjele a dél-koreai eredet (Leung,2012)







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https://www.kingston.ac.uk/events/item/3428/04-jan-2020-bts-a-global-interdisciplinary-conference-project/. A konferencián a cikk szerzője szekcióvezetőként és előadóként is részt vett.

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How to Cite
Gajzágó Éva J. (2021). K-pop 4E: Introduction of the marketing-mix of the Creative and Cultural Industry through the examples of the marketing assets used in the South Korean pop music (K-pop) and TV series (K-dramas). Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (1), 108-134. https://doi.org/10.33565/MKSV.2021.01.05