How to Defend Against the "Pirates" of the Intellectual Properties?

  • Gábor Kertész IBS International Business School
Keywords: WIPO, Intellectual property, Violate the intellectual property


A recent EU report on the protection of intellectual property estimates in the damage caused by "pirated products" to € 121 billion. I am looking for a brief answer how to find a more effective legal protection system for rightholders against the negative effects of the “pirated” products.

To find an answer, I analyze historical, economic, and legal examples that ultimately give the impression of an international organization with a new or changing system of responsibilities and operations, the operation of which would make all known intellectual property right infringement practices commercially redundant or unprofitable.

By the end of the analysis, the question arises as to whether, with the help of an international organization, the community buys intellectual property from public funds and allows it to be produced for a special tax, whether it makes commercial sense to spend on “piracy” and defense against it.

Author Biography

Gábor Kertész, IBS International Business School

College Professor


European Commission: SWD (2019)452

European Parliament: 2018/251 (28/02/2018) L57/51

European Parliament and the Council 2016/943 (L157/1)

Erdősi, Csaba (szerk.): Az ipari kémkedés és az üzleti hírszerzés. BMGE, Budapest, 2005.

Polybios: Historiae. fordította: Muraközy György, Attraktor, Gödöllő, 2002.

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Report, 2019. WIOP, Geneva, 2019.

évi LIV. törvény. az üzleti titok védelméről

évi C. törvény a büntető törvénykönyvről

évi XXXIII. törvény a találmányok szabadalmi oltalmáról

How to Cite
KertészG. (2021). How to Defend Against the "Pirates" of the Intellectual Properties?. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (1), 163-174.
Workshop/Best practice