Channel Preferences In The High-Value Electronic Device Purchase Decision Process Regarding The Purchase Attitude Among Domestic Buyers

  • Krisztina Taralik Budapest Business School, University of Appiled Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce
  • Zsolt Molnár Budapest Business School, University of Appiled Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce
  • Tamás Kozák Budapest Business School, University of Appiled Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce
Keywords: purchasing attitude, customer experience, need for physical touch, consciousness, convenience


Customer experience is influenced by the total purchasing decision process starting at the need recognition and ending at the post-purchasing stage. The IT development of the retail industry provides an opportunity and at the same time forces retailers to implement multi-channel strategies and give their consumers the opportunity to use the channels that best suit their needs at a given time for an enhanced shopping experience. The purpose of the study was to examine how Hungarian respondents’ purchasing attitude influences channel usage preference (instore, online big- and small screen) at different stages of customer journey when purchasing high-value electronic devices. For this purpose, the paper first identified homogenous respondent groups based on purchasing attitude factors, then explored the differences in the channel preference patterns at different stages of the purchasing process in customer groups separated by purchasing attitude. The purchasing attitude was measured using Likert scale in 7 priori dimensions including need of physical touch, impulsiveness, innovativeness, price and brand consciousness, convenience, and shopping experience. The research analyses collected data by quantitative online survey of 415 domestic respondents. The examined sample showed web-rooming behavior pattern and the homogeneous groups identified based on the purchasing attitudes of our respondents differed significantly in their channel usage preferences.

Author Biographies

Krisztina Taralik, Budapest Business School, University of Appiled Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce

Senior research fellow

Zsolt Molnár, Budapest Business School, University of Appiled Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce
Professor of practice
Tamás Kozák, Budapest Business School, University of Appiled Sciences, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Commerce

Associate professor


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How to Cite
TaralikK., MolnárZ., & KozákT. (2022). Channel Preferences In The High-Value Electronic Device Purchase Decision Process Regarding The Purchase Attitude Among Domestic Buyers. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 86-112.