A magyar névtudomány budapesti sorozatairól: Magyar Személynévi Adattárak, Magyar Névtani Dolgozatok

  • Mihály Hajdú


Two series on Hungarian Onomastics in Budapest: „Magyar Személynévi Adattárak”, „Magyar Névtani Dolgozatok” [Reference Books on Hungarian Personal Names, Studies on Hungarian Onomastics]    

In the article two major series of publication, both came to an end by this time, are presented by their editor. One of them (Reference Books on Hungarian Personal Names) was started in 1974 and ran into 99 issues; the other (Studies on Hungarian Onomastics) was continuously published from 1976 to its 200th issue. The article describes the conditions in science policy of the era when the series were started: possibilities and difficulties in publication are fully treated. Formal and content characteristics of the published works are examined critically. Three aims of the two series seem to have importance even today: (1) saving and publishing Hungarian proper names used beyond the borders of Hungary to provide scientific accessibility to them; (2) giving opportunity for young researchers to produce scholarly publications and to get acquainted with the formal criteria of printing; (3) calling attention both to the necessity and to the problems of analysing specific types of names. The report finally illustrates the thematic composition of the series, and demonstrates the authors’ social stratification as well as the distribution of their permanent residence.

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