Our Journal is Indexed by
Code of Ethic
The journal's principle is not novel. Articles based on established facts, presenting original results, require reproducibility as a fundamental requirement. To achieve this, both materials and methods, as well as references, must be prepared according to strict guidelines. Peer review assists authors in producing high-quality publications.
The article must not be exclusionary in any sense (religious, gender-based, national, etc.) and must not advocate for anarchism.
If the author of the article cites a work, it must be the work of the individual who first achieved and published the respective results.
Chain Citation:
Chain citation is not permitted, as illustrated by the following example: Researcher (or group) (A) publishes the results. Researcher (B) cites this work. If the author of the present article (C) wishes to utilize these results, it is not sufficient to cite Researcher (B), thus attributing the citation to a researcher who is not a participant or author of the specific research; instead, Researcher (A), the creator of the results, must be cited.
(C) --> (B) --> (A): This journal does not consider chain citation ethical, as it excludes Researcher (A) or their group from citations, thus distorting one form of assessment of scientific works. Accepted is (C) --> (A).
Longer chains are also not permitted, such as (F) --> (E) --> (D) --> (C) --> (B) --> (A). Accepted is (F) --> (A).
Number of Cited Scientific Works:
In terms of citations, only works whose results are relevant to the article are permitted to be cited; their content is indispensable for maintaining a closed, scientific argumentation. (see also the review guidelines)
In the Case of Reviews:
Referenced Individuals:
If the article mentions a specific author by name, the citation of the referenced work must be provided with accurate referencing. In the case of larger works such as books, page numbers should also be provided.
Referenced Works:
If there are discrepancies among the works in the review, references must always be provided in the analyses to indicate which works the respective statements refer to. It is unethical to present conclusions without specifying which work they pertain to.
Personal communication
Personal communication and unpublished manuscripts are non-reproducible, not possible to review, and therefore not accepted.
Internet references.
If absolutely necessary, internet references may only be cited if they are permanently available. (see citation rules)
Methodology of Clinical Trials
In the case of clinical trials, the investigation of obviously ineffective treatments is not acceptable. Clinical trials must adhere to the most successful methodologies utilized in published case studies within the profession and treatments as per professional textbooks cannot be contradicted. (For example, if professional textbooks state that the maximum time between two treatments is one week, then a clinical trial based on monthly treatment is not acceptable.)
The same rules apply to dosages and adjunct treatments alongside treatment scheduling.
All administered dosages must be provided adjusted for body weight.
Regarding materials, secret ingredients and undisclosed methods are not acceptable. Ensuring reproducibility of experiments is essential. The materials used must be defined based on their relevant physical/chemical/biological characteristics for the experiment, even if they represent a specific product.
For example, 70 milligrams per gram of polyphenol content propolis.
Unspecified materials, comparing products, do not yield scientific results, are not reproducible; therefore, the Editorial Board rejects them.