Sérült fogak endodontiai kezelése


Kulcsszavak: kúpos tomográfia, belső reszorpció, törött fogak, endo/perio elváltozások, kihagyott csatornák


The percentage of positive endodontic treatment outcomes has increased significantly over the past couple of decades with the advent of new diagnostic technologies, materials, instrumentation, and microsurgical protocols. The use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the diagnosis and/or management of endodontic problems is increasing. Its value in identification of untreated canals, chronic root fractures, perforating internal root resorption, the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning of primary endodontic lesions with secondary periodontal involvement is unimpeachable. This article is a case series of the treatment of compromised teeth with long term positive results done prior to or on the cusp these innovations. Its purpose is to demonstrate that when elimination of bio-load and biomimetic closure of the root canal system is achieved irrespective of technology, periapical and periradicular pathosis will heal in the most complex of cases.


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Hogyan kell idézni
SerotaK. (2023). Sérült fogak endodontiai kezelése: Esetsorozat. Fogorvosi Szemle, 116(1), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.33891/FSZ.116.1.9-14
Esetismertetés (case report)