Traces of hydrocarbon migration in the Central Mecsek Mountains

  • Georgina Lukoczki
  • Félix Schubert


Hydrocarbon-bearing fluid inclusions in fracture-filling calcite and void-filling dolomite and quartz cement phases in Middle Triassic carbonates at Árpádtető, in the Central Mecsek Mountains indicate that hydrocarbon migration
occurred in the area. Petrographic observations suggest the presence of at least two hydrocarbon fluid generations in the host void-filling quartz crystals at Árpádtető representing multiple events of hydrocarbon migration of different
composition and/or different source rocks.

How to Cite
LukoczkiG., & SchubertF. (2019). Traces of hydrocarbon migration in the Central Mecsek Mountains. Földtani Közlöny, 144(4), 403-406. Retrieved from
Short Communications