The Middle Jurassic ammonites of the Mecsek Mts (South Hungary) in the collection of the late Professor Lajos KOVÁCS

  • András Galácz


The late Lajos KOVÁCS, former professor at the University of Miskolc, made field studies in the Mecsek Mts in 1949, and he gathered a modest collection of fossils — mainly ammonites — from the characteristic red, nodular limestone of
the Middle Jurassic. In 1953 he published a short paper about the results of his studies, with the conclusion that the ammonites indicate the age of the limestone as mainly Bathonian, while Early Callovian is also represented. In 2011 his
collection became available and this resulted in a revision of his original conclusion. The re-investigation ascertained that the ammonites, understood formerly as of Lower Callovian, could be determined as belonging to Bathonian genera and
species. The careful studies carried out on the collection of L. KOVÁCS supported the previous stratigraphic conclusion that, on the basis of all the hitherto known fossils, the red nodular Middle Jurassic limestone of the Mecsek Mts belongs
only into the Bathonian.


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