New results with regard to the Neogene and Quaternary Avifauna of the Carpathian Basin Part II

  • Jenő Kessler


The author has studied a number of fossil bird bone remains from palaeontological sites in the Carpathian Basin
during the last years. Their description was planned in three subsequent papers following the taxonomic order. Following
the first paper (KESSLER 2009), this second part includes remains of species from the order of Galliformes (Phasianidae)
to the order of Charadriiformes.
The following new species are described in this paper: Heliornis sumegensis sp. n.; Porzana matraensis sp. n.;
Porzana kretzoiisp. n.; Calidris janossyisp. n. and Charadrius lambrechtisp. n. In addition, I also revised the taxonomic
status of a number of already described species. From this point of view, the status of the following species is supported:
Palaeocryptonyx hungaricus JÁNOSSY, 1991; Francolinus capeki LAMBRECHT, 1933; Perdix perdix jurcsaki JÁNOSSY,
1976; Gallus beremendensis JÁNOSSY, 1976; Otis kalmani JÁNOSSY, 1980; Otis lambrechti KRETZOI, 1941; Gallinago
veterior JÁNOSSY, 1979 and Scolopax baranensis JÁNOSSY, 1979.
Parallel to the identification of new remains, I also studied the already described fossils housed in different Hungarian
collections. Hereby, the following taxa have been identified or revised: Palaeortyx brevipes MILNE-EDWARDS, 1869;
Palaeortyx gallica MILNE-EDWARDS, 1869; Palaeortyx phasianoides MILNE-EDWARDS, 1869; Palaeortyx sp. (P. prisca / P.
phasianoides size); Miorallus major(MILNE-EDWARDS, 1869); Palaeoaramides cf. beaumontii (MILNE-EDWARDS, 1869).
The fauna list in this paper also includes the following recent taxa: Coturnix coturnix, Ammoperdix sp. indet., Perdix
perdix, Perdix sp. indet., Gallus sp. indet., Grus grus, Antropoides virgo, Rallus aquaticus, Rallus sp. indet., Porzana sp.
indet., Fulica atra, Rallidae gen. et sp. indet., Limosa sp. indet., Tringa sp. indet., Chlidonias sp. indet.
The recently identified five new fossil species see below. For the a

How to Cite
KesslerJ. (2020). New results with regard to the Neogene and Quaternary Avifauna of the Carpathian Basin Part II . Földtani Közlöny, 139(3), 251-271. Retrieved from