Folding and faulting of cherty dolostones at Ördög-orom, Buda Hills, Hungary

  • Márton Palotai Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Általános és Alkalmazott Földtani Tanszék; CASP Cambridge, United Kingdom, e-mail:
Keywords: fold, fault, Transdanubian Range, Cretaceous, Budai Hills, Ördög-orom


The cliff of Ördög-orom in the Buda Hills, Hungary, comprises brecciated and powderised cherty dolostones of Late Triassic age. This aim of the present paper is to document the folds, faults and fractures of the cliff in detail for the first time. The chert layers and strings of chert nodules indicate that the style of the slightly asymmetric folding was transitional between brittle and ductile, although the deformation mechanism was brittle. Small scale thrusts, detached in bedding planes, are at least partly related to fthe olding. Tectonic transport directions scatter between WSW and NW. The age of this deformation phase is inferred to be Early Cretaceous. The dolostones were affected by intense fracturing and brecciation in multiple directions.


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How to Cite
PalotaiM. (2016). Folding and faulting of cherty dolostones at Ördög-orom, Buda Hills, Hungary. Földtani Közlöny, 146(1), 3-10. Retrieved from