New results on the bentonite exploration in Garancs Hill, Pilisvörösvár (Hungary)
The study area is located at the SE slope of the Garancs Hill (289 m), NE from Pilisvörösvár, near the Pilisvörösvár–Csobánka road. The Fót Formation (Carpathian) occurs in the western part of the study area. The intercalated tuff layers are probably of Badenian age in the eastern part of the hill. The bentonite strata have thickness of 8–11 m. They were derived from the hydrodiagenetic alteration of dacitic tuffs according to the stratigraphical and mineralogical compositions, and total silica vs. alkali content.
The smectite content of the bentonite samples ranges between 47–49 wt%. The other mineralogical components of the samples are micas (illite/muscovite 9–14 wt %), quartz (20–28 wt%) and feldspars (7–15 wt%). These bentonites are characterized by subordinated kaolinite, cristobalite, goethite and amorphous phase. In this region the bentonite was mined for a short time before 1954.
The predominant exchangeable cation is Ca2+: Na+ (0.0295–0.0330), K+ (0.0185–0.0239), Ca2+ (0.2367–0.2518), Mg2+ (0.0986–0.1365) (cmol/kg). The swelling capacity ranges from 2.0 to 2.5 (natural) and from 5.0 to 15.0 (activated, 5% Na2CO3, ml/2g).
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