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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Copyright Statement
    I have read the content of the author's statement on the Information/Archiving policy of the Dental Review site, I agree with it, I attach it to the manuscript by signing.

    The copyright's statement of Dental Review can be downloaded here

Author Guidelines

INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS of The Fogorvosi Szemle (Journal of Hungarian Dentistry)

The Fogorvosi Szemle (Hungarian Journal of Dentistry) is an open access, peer reviewed scientific periodical of the Hungarian Dental Association that serves the Hungarian dentist’s postgraduate training and lifelong learning by providing up to date information from the Hungarian and international dental research works.

The Editorial Board of Fogorvosi Szemle (Hungarian Journal of Dentistry) accepts literature reviews, original research articles based on theoretical and clinical studies, clinical case reports, professional opinions and positions, book reviews and reports on the domestic and international events and symposia, PhD dissertations. It is also the forum for the newsletter of the Hungarian Dental Association. Submission of a manuscript to Fogorvosi Szemle for publication implies that the same work has not been either submitted to another journal or published elsewhere. All manuscripts must be submitted online by the corresponding author on the homepage of the OJS system and also send via email as an attachment in electronic format to the editor.

The principle of the reviewing process and publication

The Fogorvosi Szemle publishes papers reviewed by the qualified members of the Editorial Board with at least PhD degree or by external reviewers selected by the board. All articles to be published by the Fogorvosi Szemle independent of its classification go through a blind reviewing process.

During the acceptance process of the manuscript it is screened by the Editorial Board to evaluate that it is within the journals scientific scopes what is the scientific merits of the work and meets all the formal requirements.

The manuscript that meets the specific requirements of the journal will be assigned to lector/s. A lector will not accept and might not evaluate those manuscripts where any of the authors of the paper are incompatible to the lector by any reasons. The evaluation criteria are objective. The lectors’ opinion and assessment should be composed in concise and direct way and should be evidence based. The lector’s assessment should select all those possible similarities that might have been published before and can be suspect for plagiarism. The lector’s decision should declare whether the manuscript can be accepted and published without any changes, or with minor or major corrections or even can be rejected. The editorial board will handle all the information confidentially.

The submitted manuscripts after the reviewing process and professional editing will be published in the forthcoming issue of the Fogorvosi Szemle. If the number of reviewed and accepted articles exceeds the page limit of the given issue the paper will be published later in one of the next issues of the journal. The order of papers’ publication is determined by the date of acceptance, or the Editorial Board has the right to put a paper in an earlier issue. The current open access issue of the Fogorvosi Szemle can be downloaded from the homepage:

International directives

The outline and the form of the manuscript should meet the Recommendation for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals set up by the conference held in Vancouver in 1978.

In particular, the research studies involving human subjects or human data must have been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and must comply with ethics guidelines declared by the World Medical Association. In those photos where the patient’s identity could be recognised the eyes should be blocked out observing the patient’s human rights.

In accordance with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Author consents to the publication of his email address - as the author's contact information - on the published electronic/printed versions.

Formal requirements

Manuscripts could be written in Hungarian and English, edited as a Word document. Manuscripts should be typewritten in double-space in A4 sized sheets, with 80 characters (Times New Roman 12) and 25 lines per page. Illustrations, - tables and figures along with their titles and legends, in proper order should by attach to the manuscript.

Review Articles should be within the range of 10-14 pages (the number of citations should not exceed 60) Original Research Papers should not have more than 10 pages (the number of citations should not exceed 40). The maximum size of the manuscript of a clinical case presentation might be 5 pages (the number of citations should not exceed 20).

The structure of the manuscript


The first section of the title page starts with the name of the corresponding author, followed by the complete postal address with area code of the affiliation (university department, or office) telephone numbers of the place, mobile phone number and a functional e-mail address.

The next paragraph is the list of authors’ affiliation (work place) followed by the title of the paper. The title should be as short as possible and precisely indicate the nature of the work in the communication. Under this line/s the list of the authors should be given, using full names with Dr. degree, without any other qualification. In case of multiple authors’ paper if some of the authors affiliation is different, then a proper workplace should be indicated using *, **, ***, marking both the institution /department and also the authors. With typing neither bold nor capital letter are used. Title page should be aligned in the centre except for name and Address for corresponding author.

Hungarian Abstract - after the title page following the list of institutions, authors name and addresses should be typed in single-space the brief summary (max. 200 words) of the publication reflecting all aspects of the study, including the objectives, material-methods, results (with numeric data) and the conclusion

Key words: under the text of summary separated by double space four to eight appropriate key words are listed preferably from MeSH terms provided by the National Library of Medicine.

English Abstract - The front line is composed of the authors’ name, without Dr. title with full family name and given name in initial/s without full stop. (i.e. Kovacs I B). This is followed by the full title of the paper in English. The extent of the summery should follow the structure of the Hungarian version, but it can and should be longer and more detailed (max 400 words) to give enough information for the international readers and assist the citation of the article.

Key words: under the text of summary separated by double space four to eight appropriate key words are listed preferably from MeSH terms provided by the National Library of Medicine

The structure of the main text

Introduction - should expose the importance of the study; summarise the published literature and states the rationale of investigation.

Materials and Methods -. The main methods and material used shall be briefly described, citing references. Trivial formally known methods can be avoided. New methods or substantially modified methods may be described in details. The statistical method shall be stated.

Results - All findings presented in tabular or graphical form shall be described in this section. The data should be statistically analysed and the level of significance stated.

Discussion - followed the results, deals with the interpretation and assessment of the results, compared with the previous literature data indicating how they help increase current understanding of the problem. The new and relevant findings should be outlined

Within the whole text the place of figures, photos and charts should be indicated and marked with numbers (See list of illustrations)


The list of citations might contain only those publications that had already been mentioned by name or marked with Arabic numbers in square brackets. Papers published after 2009 should be cited also by their DOI number. The list of citation should be organised according to the alphabetic order of the family name of the first author and numbered consecutively by Arabic numbers, each citation should be put in a new paragraph. In the references the authors name should be listed up to six with full names and in case of a multiple authorship in the Hungarian citations “és mtsai” and the English citations “et al” should be used.

References - Should be numbered consecutively in alphabetic order. Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic numerals. References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure. Use the style of the examples below, which are based on the formats used by the NLM in PubMed. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in PubMed. Use complete name of the journal for non-indexed journals. Avoid using abstracts as references. Information from manuscripts submitted but not accepted should be cited in the text as “unpublished observations” with written permission from the source. Avoid citing a “personal communication” unless it provides essential information not available from a public source, in which case the name of the person and date of communication should be cited in parentheses in the text. For scientific articles, contributors should obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of a personal communication.

The commonly cited types of references are shown here, for other types of references such as electronic media, newspaper items, etc. please refer to ICMJE Guidelines (

In the references the abbreviation of the journals should be given based on the formats used by the NLM in Index Medicus. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index Medicus. The name of authors and other data should be given according to the Vancouver declaration. The authors’ name should be written in small capital letters, the name of the journals and books should be written in italic, and then the year of publication, the number of volume and the pages indicating the first and the last page are given. After the authors’ given name do not put full stop, the authors’ name is separated with comas and after the last authors’ name double dot is used. The number of citations can only exceed 50 in a review article or with the consent of the editorial board.

Please find the examples below, which are based on the formats used by the NLM in Index Medicus.



Yongyi, Y., Xue, G., Bangging, H. (2016). Phenotypic Heterogeneity in a DFNA20/26 family segregating a novel ACTG/1 mutation BMC Genetics, 17(33), DOI: 10.1186/s12863-016-0333-1

Szabó Gy, Jankó L, Csere T: A hosszan tartó vizes tárolás hatása a protézis alaplemezanyag egyes mechanikai tulajdonságaira. Fogorv Szle 2000; 93:239–243.

Book chapter

Gera, I. (1999). A fogágybetegség. In Bánóczy, J., Nyárasdy, I. (szerk.), Preventív fogászat. (pp. 121–192). Medicina Kiadó

O’Mulane D: Caries decline in Europe. In Stösser L (ed.): Kariesdynamik und Kariesrisiko. (3rd ed.) Quintessenz, Berlin, 1998; 10–23.


Bánóczy, J., Nyárasdy, I. (1999). Preventív fogászat. Medicina Kiadó
Scully, C., Cawson, RA. (1993). Medical problem in dentistry. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.


Mark the homepage and the date of download (2014.02.12.)

Do not cite a “personal communication” because those cannot be controlled and later retrieved.  Avoid using abstracts as references, unless it provides essential information and published in a peer reviewed journal as a citable abstract. 


Tables - Should be typed on separate sheets of paper and should be either in excel or word format. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and bear a brief title. The authors are kindle requested to use professional table managing programs and avoid using manual drawing. Only MS word table format should be used for preparing tables.

Figures The number of figures preferable should be proportional to the content of the main text and do not exceed 8-10. The figures should be numbered by Arabic numbers

Photos Photographs should not be incorporated into the main text’s word format; this will compromise the quality of images. Individual photos should be uploaded either in JPG or TIFF format. The smaller photos should be at least 1100 pixels, while for full page pictures the original should be at least 2750 pixels. Preferably avoid using illustrations downloaded from the internet. If it should be used please, download it in TIFF format because that gives higher resolutions, otherwise only a very small 3 by 3 cm picture can be published in the final printed article.

The list of illustrations Figure and Table titles and legends should be typed on a separate page in word format. Charts should be composed according to the previously described way in separate file. It can be created either in word or excel format. For using photos or other figures taken from other authors and publications, the authors’ or journals’ consent should be obtained and marked in the legend of the illustrations.

The conclusion of the article

Acknowledgements - At the very end of the publication

Acknowledgement: it is a place to specify contributors to the article other than the authors accredited i.e. assistance with statistics, graphics and language.

Financial support: As a rule, authors must give information as to how the study was financed. It is the place to acknowledge financial support, including gifts of research material. This declaration should also be given even in case of no financial or any other type of support.

Authors’ contributions: It is required to list and specify the role of each authors during the study and the composition of the manuscript (I.e. the proposal of null hypothesis, the process of investigation, statistical analysis, the writing and editing of the manuscript etc.) In this list only the authors’ initials should be used. It is also the place where each authors should declare that the manuscript’s final version had been read and approved by all participating contributors.

Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest arises when the author, has any financial or personal interests. The journal insists on submission to declare about the conflict of interest and disclose all the events occurred within the previous three years before publishing that might have any effect on the scientific merits of the article. The authors should declare that the content submitted to the journal or the similar content under his/her authorship is not submitted for consideration of acceptance or published elsewhere. This declaration should also be given in case of a negative answer.


Orthography and Spelling - These should be as it given by the latest orthographical dictionary issued by the Hungarian Academy of Science.

Abbreviation: Symbols and abbreviations – according to the common rules in the scientific literature any scientific terms in full format are mentioned at first in the text with the used abbreviation in brackets, and later this abbreviation can be used throughout the whole text.

Chemical terminology – All medicines should be cited by their chemical nomenclature used in the International Chemical Abstracts. Its proper chemical composition and the manufactures’ name should also be indicated.

The abbreviation of the journals is based on the NLM catalogue. It can be found based on its ULR on the following web: If the full name of the journal is entered in the search box, the correct internationally accepted abbreviation can be found.

Concerning the submission of the manuscript all information and assistance can be obtained by contacting the following e-mail address

We appreciate if our authors accept all instructions what have been given in this “Authors Guidelines” document.


Journal’s editors

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