Pre-eruptive intra-coronal resorption in mandibular third molars
Introduction: Pre-eruptive intracoronal resorption (PEIR) is a well-defined radiolucent lesion localized to the coronal tooth
tissues. Our study aimed to determine the prevalence of PEIR among impacted lower wisdom teeth and to describe its
possible modifying effect on surgical treatment planning.
Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, from the examined 6775 patients, 21 wisdom teeth of 20 patients,
– affected by PEIR – were included. Demographic data of the patients were collected and radiological analysis using orthopantomography
was performed to assess the extent of PEIR, pulp involvement, ectopic position, rotation, impaction
status, and angulation.
Results: Analyzing the PEIR cases, the gender ratio was 0.67 (8 men, 12 women), with an average age of 31 ± 25 years.
PEIR involving lower wisdom teeth was seen in 0.3% (21/6775) of the patients, which was 30.9% (21/68) of all detected
PEIR lesions. 28.6% of the lesions was advanced (6/21), and 66.7% of these teeth showed a pulp involvement (4/6). Patients
with advanced PEIR were significantly older (50.3 ± 18.3 vs. 23.7 ± 15.2 years; p = 0.0128, Mann-Whitney test).
Ectopic position was observed in 47.6% of the cases (10/21) and rotational position in 9 cases (42.9%). 19% of teeth
with a PEIR lesion, meant an increased risk of nerve damage (4/21). In the case of advanced lesions (grade ≥ 7), the
multiple root darkening sign indicated the increased tendency to nerve damage in 66.7% (4/6).
Conclusions: The presence and characteristics of PEIR can modify and determine the follow-up schedule, or have
an influence on the therapeutic decisions, forcing us to choose between restorative solutions, coronectomy or total extraction.
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