Certain factors influencing tooth color matching
Recently (nowadays) to achieve a natural looking restoration is an ever increasing demand from the patients and also from the doctor side. To select the right color of the restoration matching the remaining natural teeth is always a challenging task. A clinical study was performed at the University of Debrecen Faculty of Dentristry with the help of dental students using two different shade guides. The study tested the influence of gender and knowledge of color science on shade matching.
78 students were asked to find the right matching color of the same upper canine to two different shade guides (Vitapan Classic and Vita 3D-Master) under standard condition. After informing the student about the basic principles of color the matching procedure was repeated. Results were analyzed statistically.
In our study we found that gender does not influence the color choice. Matching accuracy is not increased by better knowledge of colors. We can conclude that significantly less students matched the proper color with Vitapan Classic shade guide after information of the property of colors without training the shade selection.
Within the limitation of the study design it was concluded that not more students selected the proper color even after giving them information about colors, instructions about shade selections. For the same one canine several color were selected by the participants (6 types with Vitapan Classic and 19 types with Vita 3D-Master) which conformed that
visual determination is not a reliably consistent way of the tooth shade selection. The Vita Company 1990s developed
3D-Master shade guide is not widely used, although we found the repeatability is more than 70%.
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