Prevalence of hypodontia at the Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics of Semmelweis University
Examination of hypodontia as one of the most frequent developmental disorder receives high importance in the national
as well as in the international literature. As the disorder can affect the dental and mental development of the children
therefore early diagnosis and treatment are necessary. The authors analyzed the OP radiograms of patients aged 6 to
18 who were registered between 2006 and 2011 at the Department of Pedodontics and Orthodontics of Semmelweis
University, excluding children suffering from general diseases or other syndromes. The aim of the examination was
to determine the occurance of missing teeth germ cases in the registered database of the Department, diagnose the
prevalence of aplasia and compare the results with the national and international literature. Out of the 900 patients (372
boys and 528 girls) included in the examination missing germs were diagnosed in 94 cases (10,44%). In most cases
the germ of the lower second premolars was missing (34,64%), then came the upper lateral incisors (27,38%) and the
aplasia of the upper second premolars (21,23%). There was no relevant difference between the two sides. The number
of affected girls was higher by 25% than the number of boys. Most of the results are close to the result in international
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