Simultaneous surgery of total cleft palate in early stage

  • Leonid Harkov A. A. Bogomolec Nemzeti Orvosi Egyetem gyermek-szájsebészeti és száj- és arcsebészeti tanszéke. Kijev, Ukrajna
  • Igor Vispinszkij Zsitomiri Területi Gyermekkórház, a fejlődési rendellenességek sebészeti központja. Zsitomir, Ukrajna
Keywords: cleft surgery, one stage repair


On the basis of the literature data and authors’ own experience, the methods and optimum time for simultaneous surgery
on penetrating unilateral clefts of the upper lip, nose, alveolar process, and hard and soft palates are discussed.
The advantages of simultaneous surgery are presented: such operations were performed on 109 of 191 patients with
total cleft palate. The main advantages are considered to be as follows: the children’s face harmonically develops, their
speech improves, the facial appearance becomes more favorable, accompanying diseases associated with a cleft
palate disappear, and the duration of the medical and social rehabilitation shortens.

How to Cite
HarkovL., & VispinszkijI. (2010). Simultaneous surgery of total cleft palate in early stage. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 103(3), 79-82. Retrieved from
Original article