Full mouth rehabilitation, complete dental prosthesis fabricated for an acromegally patient in semi-adjustable articulator

Case report

  • Andrea Somogyi Semmelweis Egyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Fogpótlástani Klinika
  • Péter Hermann Semmelweis Egyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Fogpótlástani Klinika
  • Péter Kivovics Semmelweis Egyetem, Fogászati és Szájsebészeti Oktató Intézet
Keywords: acromegaly, complete denture, full mouth rehabilitation, semi adjustable articulator, facebow


Acromegaly is a severe systemic disease that is caused by increased growth hormone (GH) and IGF-1 production. Clinical manifestations of the disease include increased skeletal growth and soft tissue proliferation with metabolic, cardiovascular and respiratory comorbidities. Due to the slow change in the patients’ appearance, diagnosis can take decades. This case presents a full mouth rehabilitation for the patient with acromegaly. During the treatment, the implantation was contraindicated due to multiple systemic diseases; therefore, a conventional complete denture was made in a semi adjustable articulator. Due to the extreme enlargement of the patient’s jaws, the treatment was a unique and an exciting professional experience.


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How to Cite
SomogyiA., HermannP., & KivovicsP. (2022). Full mouth rehabilitation, complete dental prosthesis fabricated for an acromegally patient in semi-adjustable articulator: Case report. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 115(1), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.33891/FSZ.114.1.21-28
Case report