Esthetic rehabilitation of tooth wear caused by nocturnal bruxism and erosion
Introduction: In the case of a young female patient with high esthetic demands, the complete oral rehabilitation of tooth
wear caused by bruxism and acid erosion is a great chal lenge. If the tooth wear affects only the anterior teeth and the
premolars, the small interocclusal space does not provide adequate space to restore the original height of the anterior
teeth, so the vertical dimension of the occlusion also need to be restored.
Aim: Full mouth esthetic rehabilitation with increasing occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) for a patient with worn front
and premolar teeth caused by nocturnal bruxism and acidic erosion.
Methods: 40 years old woman presented, whose main concern was having esthetically unpleasant cuboid shaped
worn front teeth. First digital smile design was applied (3Shape TRIOS Smile Design), followed by gothic arch tracing
and face bow registration. The OVD was increased with 3.0 mm and diagnostic wax-up (upper front- and premolar teeth;
lower front-, premolar- and molar teeth) was made on casts mounted on articulator programmed to individual patient parameters.
A motivational mock-up was made to show the patient the expected outcome and according to this silicone
keys were made for minimal invasive preparation. During optical impression taking (TRIOS 3, 3Shape) the bite was registered
with the help of chairside temporaries. PMMA temporaries were milled.
Results: After 2 months of wearing, the functional PMMA temporaries were scanned and overlapped on virtual model
of prepared teeth using gingival, dental reference points (3Shape Dental System). Monolithic final restorations (crowns,
overlays, veneers) were milled (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) and cemented in absolute isolation using clear luting
Conclusions: To reach the satisfied esthetics in the front region a careful treatment planning was made, that includes
the analysis of the face and teeth, also creating conventional wax up and mock-up. The vertical dimension was increased
in temporary phase, then with copying functional temporaries a digital workflow was used for a predictable final result.
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