Prosthetic rehabilitation of siblings with oligodontia and metal allergy
Oligodontia is a complex congenital deformity, as it includes the lack of permanent teeth, functional and psychosocial
problems. The management of this deformity requires a multidisciplinary approach, that involves the work of an orthodontist,
gnatologist, and a prosthetic specialist. In the following casereport the comprehensive treatment of the three siblings
are presented having oligodontia and the oldest sister in addition has dental metal allergy as well. In all cases we used
fixed dental prosthesis for the rehabilitation. In the treatment plan: facebow,
arrow tracing, diagnostic wax-up, mock-up
was used for the individual treatment, moreover, to treat the consecutive
bite loss, bite elevation was necessary. As the
oldest sister has metal allergy, in the treatment plan we used titanium framework. With the final restoration the functional,
aesthetic, and psychosocial problems were solved, and the patients were satisfied with their new prosthetic appliances.
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