The avifauna in North Hungary during the Miocene Part II

  • Jenő Kessler
  • János Hír


those of Passeriformes and up until now they have not received much attention.
The recently identified remains which are examined in the present paper include: 1 order, 13 families, 19 genera (three
of which are now extinct), and 16 extinct species. From these, one genus and 16 species represent new taxa to the science.
Four taxa could be identified only to the level of order (1), and genus (3). The genera and species which are completely
new to the science are presented below. The aforementioned, recently identified new fossil genera and species have been
described according to the following characteristics (for the abbrevations see the chapter entitled “Rövidítések”)

How to Cite
KesslerJ., & HírJ. (2020). The avifauna in North Hungary during the Miocene Part II. Földtani Közlöny, 142(2), 149-168. Retrieved from