A review of sustainable good practices to reduce the mortality of the northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) as an urban ecological agent by motor vehicles
The aim of this study is to identify the urban ecological challenges and risks posed by linear infrastructure, using the northern white-breasted hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) as an example of an impact agent, and to identify international good practices to reduce the problem. The research will analyse the impacts of urban ecological good practices and policy measures, with a particular focus on practices in Hungary. The study highlights that the development of linear road facilities threatens the hedgehog populations in Hungary, as the island effect and fragmentation of green spaces pose serious anthropogenic threats. The hypothesis of the research is complex, as problems can be identified between the protected status of the species itself in Hungary, its conservational value and the attitudes of the population, for which mitigation, adaptation and sensitization solutions have already been developed abroad. In international practice, road markings to draw attention to the presence of hedgehogs are already common, but further policy instruments need to be introduced in Hungary to address the problem. For the latter, there are a large number of measures that should also be considered for integration into Hungarian practice. The study points out the discrepancies between conservational status and the material costs of negative externalities, compares the scopes of sustainable mobility and urban ecology and stresses that the results of the research can help policy makers, conservation practitioners and the public to address the problem effectively.
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