Article review: Do the health inequalities cause biological embodiment?

  • József Vitrai Journal of Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary
Keywords: health inequalities, biological embodiment, risk factors


Does the socio-economic disadvantage also have an impact at the biological level? Does it cause changes in the human body in addition to knowing diseases and risk factors? The authors were searching for the answer to this question by analyzing data from 1.7 million subjects.

Author Biography

József Vitrai, Journal of Health Promotion, Budapest, Hungary




Vineis, P., Delpierre, C., Castagné, R., Fiorito, G., McCrory, C., Kivimaki, M., Stringhini, S., Carmeli, C., & Kelly-Irving, M. (2020). Health inequalities: Embodied evidence across biological layers. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 246, 112781. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112781

How to Cite
Vitrai, J. (2021). Article review: Do the health inequalities cause biological embodiment? . Health Promotion, 62(3), 64-65.
Article review