Removable partial denture design in the general dental practice I.

  • Márta Radnai Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Fogpótlástani Tanszék
  • Gyula Marada Pécsi Tudományegyetem Fogorvostudományi Szak, Fogpótlástani Tanszék
  • Veronika T. Szabó Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Konzerváló és Esztétikai Fogászati Tanszék
  • Tamás Tarjányi Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Orális Biológiai és Kísérletes Fogászati Tanszék
  • Zoltán Baráth Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Fogorvostudományi Kar, Fogpótlástani Tanszék
Keywords: removable partial denture with metal framework, design, dentist, dental technician


Even today, removable partial dentures are often provided by general dental practitioners. The dentists during denture
design should take into consideration all the biological, static, material and aesthetic aspects and also the needs and expectations
of patients. A questionnaire survey has been conducted among dental technicians to find out how much this
is realized in practice.
According to the response of 64 dental technicians, who voluntarily filled the anonym questionnaire, a little more than
the half (52%) of the dentists send a precise and detailed denture design to the dental technical laboratory. Technicians
received information relating the type of the clasps in 47% and a guidance on the shape of major connectors in 28%.
Six percent of instructions were provided in drawing, 48% in writing, and 31%. both in writing and drawing. According to
the survey in case of problems with the denture, the responsibility was shared between the technician and the dentist,
whoever made the planning. 86% of technicians stated that dentists should be fully involved in the design of removable
partial dentures.
Data from the literature have shown a similar practice, i.e. that dentists in other countries also mainly entrust partial
denture design to the dental laboratory, even though this is an incorrect practice.

How to Cite
RadnaiM., MaradaG., T. SzabóV., TarjányiT., & BaráthZ. (2021). Removable partial denture design in the general dental practice I. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 114(1), 15-19.
Original article