Víznél sűrűbb, nem vizes fázisú szennyező anyagok transzportfolyamatainak szimulációja felszín alatti közegben
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are chemicals which are denser than water. Except for their subsurface geological features, the behaviour of chlorinated hydrocarbons may be considered based on their chemical, physical-chemical characteristics and influence. Density, kinematic viscosity, surface tension, chemical composition, solubility in water, vapour pressure, Henry constant and wetting parameters can all play a significant role in simulation reliability. Concerning these parameters, it is difficult to find necessary information about DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aquaeous Phase Liquid).
The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) was used in this research investigation. Two modules of the GMS — namely, the UTCHEM and SEAM3D — were applied for simulation purposes. UTCHEM is a special module which was
developed at the Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin; it is a chemical flood simulator for enhanced oil recovery design. In recent years, the Utchem has been adapted for a variety of environmental applications as well. The second applied module was the SAEAM3D: this is a special reactive transport model used to simulate complex biodegradation problems involving multiple substrates and multiple electron acceptors.