Middle Miocene Conoidea (Neogastropoda) assemblage of Letkés (Hungary), Part II. (Borsoniidae, Cochlespiridae, Clavatulidae, Turridae, Fusiturridae)
Five conoidean families (Borsoniidae, Cochlespiridae, Clavatulidae, Turridae, Fusiturridae) are described from the early Badenian (early Middle Miocene) gastropod assemblage of Letkés (N Pannonian Basin, Hungary). The clayey sand deposits of the locality represent the Pécsszabolcs Member of the Lajta Limestone Formation, and contain the richest Badenian fossil marine mollusk assemblage of Hungary. 41 conoidean species are recorded and illustrated; Clavatula hirmetzli n. sp., Clavatula santhai n. sp., Clavatula szekelyhidiae n. sp., Perrona harzhauseri n. sp. and Perrona nemethi n. sp. are described as new for science. Clavatula nogradensis Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1953 is a junior synonym of Clavatula granulatocincta (Münster in Goldfuss, 1841), Clavatula (Surcula) krenneri Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1953 is a junior synonym of Fusiturris emiliae (Hoernes & Auinger, 1891), Clavatula (Surcula) nodosa borsodensis Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1969 is a junior synonym of Clavatula orientoromana Báldi, 1960. New combinations: Acamptogenotia praecedens (Bellardi, 1877) nov. comb., Perrona letkesensis (Csepreghy-Meznerics, 1953) nov. comb., Fusiturris emiliae (Hoernes & Auinger, 1891) nov. comb., Fusiturris intermedia (Bronn, 1831) nov. comb., Fusiturris reevei (Bellardi, 1847) nov. comb.